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Thursday, 12 June 2014

Rosemary Pesto

Inspired by the Rosemary & Lemon Balm Fairfield Gardens Pinterest board (and the profusion of rosemary in my garden!), I had a go at making Rosemary Pesto.  It's actually pretty tasty and is great stirred into plain pasta or used in a rice salad.


1 tbsp flaked almonds
2 tbsp fresh rosemary
1 clove of garlic
1 tbsp grated hard cheese like Parmesan / Pecorino Romano / Grana Padana
5 tbsp cold-pressed rapeseed oil
Salt and pepper

  • In a small pan, lightly toast the flaked almonds over a low heat until they are just starting to turn golden (optional).
  • Place the almonds, rosemary and garlic into a food processor.
  • Process until the rosemary and garlic are chopped finely, then add the cheese.
  • With the processor switched on, pour the rapeseed oil in a slow, steady stream through the funnel in the lid.
  • Scrape the sides and add salt and pepper to taste.  The pesto should not be runny, but should fall off a spoon in a nice dollop (to use the technical term!).
To serve just stir a teaspoon or so through a serving of cooked pasta or rice, or try it on toast with tomatoes and mozzarella (yum!).

If you try this recipe, come back and let me know how you liked it and how you used it by leaving a comment below.


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