I "officially" work 3 days a week, and then only a few hours a day, so 30-45 minutes is a significant portion of my day. But I've decided to let go of that time and dedicate it to getting into shape. I've struggled with finding the time and the motivation for regular exercise, but in recent months through teachings and my own personal development I've come to realise that my health is the cornerstone of my business. After all without it I would not be able to operate my business, so another way of looking at things is that giving the time over is not really a sacrifice but an investment.
As well as being good for physical health there are numerous studies which show that exercise is hugely beneficial to mental health. If I'm going to make my business a success then I need to have all pistons firing. Running actually provides a good opportunity for thinking and planning the day ahead, and I've come up with some great ideas while doing my circuits of the park.
Since shifting my mindset like this and making exercise a part of my working day I've found that it's a lot easier to stick with it (so far) as I no longer feel like I'm skiving off. Now if I can just sort out my bad eating habits...
I'd love to hear how a change of attitude to something in your life has made a difference to how you approach it. Please share your stories or advice in the comments.
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