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Friday, 21 January 2011

Hail to the Editor-in-Chief!

There's a great site - - where Twitter (and Facebook) users can publish their content as a newspaper.  You set the parameters, like who or what trends to include and how often you want to publish the paper, and the program will search through the content for external links, organise them into different categories, then arrange them all in a newspaper-style layout. And it's free!

Well, I decided to have a go myself, and thus "The Green Living Daily" was born!  The contributors to the paper come from my green living Twitter list, and it includes stories from across the globe about natural skincare, the environment, health, and shopping ethically and ecologically.  

Take a few minutes to have a read - there is some really interesting content.  You can also access the paper from the link at the bottom right of this blog. I'd love to know what you think.  And if you're on Twitter, connect with me @FairfieldGdns if you think you have relevant content and would like to be included as a contributor to the paper.   

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